Diet for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, also called gestational diabetes, is a form of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy. It usually disappears with the birth of the baby. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account and can be well managed by conscious and healthy nutrition. Often, even a change in diet is enough to resolve diabetes during pregnancy. … Diet for Gestational Diabetes

Traveling during Pregnancy

Pregnant and traveling, they don’t go together? Indeed, distant countries, grueling long-haul flights, heat, stress, unfamiliar food and questionable hygiene conditions pose numerous dangers for mother and child. With our tips, you can nevertheless go on vacation completely relaxed despite your baby bump. Couples who would like to enjoy their togetherness one last time before … Traveling during Pregnancy

Drinks Containing Quinine are Not for Pregnant Women

Tonic or bitter lemon drinks carry the label “containing quinine“. Few consumers will know the reason for this: Even though drinking beverages containing quinine is unproblematic for the majority of the population, consuming larger quantities can be hazardous to the health of individuals. “Pregnant women in particular should refrain from consumption as a precaution,” says … Drinks Containing Quinine are Not for Pregnant Women

Forgot to take it in the first week | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot to take it in the first week If a patient forgets to take her pill in the 1st week, this means that the patient has no protection for at least 7 days after forgetting to take the pill, even if all other pills were taken in time afterwards. If a patient forgets to take … Forgot to take it in the first week | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot the pill several times | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot the pill several times If you have forgotten to take the pill not only once but several times, you must use double contraception for the entire time! The 7-day rule, according to which you have sufficient protection after 7 days of correct pill taking even without a condom, does not apply here. Here too, … Forgot the pill several times | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Balsam for colds

What is a cold balm? A cold balsam is a product that usually contains essential oils and other vegetable substances. As the name suggests, it is used to relieve the symptoms of a cold such as sore throat, runny nose and cough. The ointment can be applied to the chest, back or even the neck … Balsam for colds