These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams | Balsam for colds

These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams The ingredients of a cold balsam differ from product to product. However, the combinations are similar. Most cold balsams contain essential oils and herbal substances. Eucalyptus or pine needle oil are often used. Camphor and menthol are also often part of the recipe. Thymol and ribwort plantain … These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams | Balsam for colds

Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Introduction Nail fungus develops exactly like and often also from a mycosis pedis. Especially in swimming pools, sports halls or public showers, you can get infected with the fungus. An already existing athlete’s foot, which was not treated, can spread to the nail. However, it is also possible that the fungal infection directly affects the … Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Can pregnancy promote nail fungus? | Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Can pregnancy promote nail fungus? During pregnancy nail fungus can occur more frequently. This is related to a disturbed drainage of the lymphatic fluid. This favors the smallest skin injuries, through which pathogens can enter and cause the nail fungus. If additional inappropriate footwear is worn, injuries on the sides of the nails and on … Can pregnancy promote nail fungus? | Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Prophylaxis | Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Prophylaxis To prevent infection with nail fungus during pregnancy, you can of course avoid swimming pools or similar places. If available, at least the foot disinfection facility should be used after swimming. Generally one should pay attention to dry the feet also after showering, to make it more difficult for the fungus to multiply. Also … Prophylaxis | Nail fungus in pregnancy – So dangerous is it!

Ovulation despite pill

Introduction Ovulation despite the pill is virtually impossible with the classic combined pill. Ovulation only occurs if there are errors in taking the pill. With the estrogen-free pills, especially the minipill, however, ovulation can occur to a certain percentage. The progestin in the pill has the primary task of thickening the mucus around the cervix. … Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? Ovulation is triggered by the increase in the hormone LH. LH can be determined with ovulation tests in urine. Thus, the change in the LH concentration in the urine can be used to determine whether and when ovulation has occurred. In addition, the so-called cervical mucus also changes after ovulation. … How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill

Pill and alcohol – influencing the effect | Pill and alcohol – is it compatible?

Pill and alcohol – influencing the effect The effect of the pill is limited or even completely cancelled out by various drugs, such as various antibiotics or St. John’s wort. The reason for this is an interaction with a liver enzyme called cytochrome P 450, which ensures that the pill is utilized in the body … Pill and alcohol – influencing the effect | Pill and alcohol – is it compatible?