Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic goal or recommendations The problem with diagnosing an ovarian tumor is that the vast majority can become malignant (malignant), and malignant ovarian tumors almost exclusively have a poor prognosis. Although the risk of malignancy increases with age (< 30 years about 3%, 40-50 years 5-15%, > 50 years up to 35%), it is basically … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Drug Therapy

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Therapy

General Measures They include, after the diagnosis of a cystic or solid tumor of the lower abdomen, informing the patient as comprehensively as possible about necessary steps of diagnosis and differential diagnosis by obligatory ultrasonography, estimating the risk of malignancy (risk of malignancy) on the basis of anamnestic data and certain ultrasonographic criteria, and informing … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Therapy

Influenza (Flu): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Influenza typically has an acute onset with severe symptoms.The following symptoms or complaints may occur with seasonal influenza: Sudden onset Fever over 39 °C (with chills) Cough (irritable cough) with tachypnea (respiratory rate > 20/min). Headache and pain in the limbs Sore throat Pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat) Tracheobronchitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of … Influenza (Flu): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Influenza (Flu): Therapy

General measures Observance of the general hygiene measures! In the occurrence of fever: Bed rest and physical rest (even if fever is only mild; if limb pain and lassitude occur without fever, bed rest and physical rest is also required, because myocarditis/heart muscle inflammation could occur as a result of the infection). Fever below 38.5 … Influenza (Flu): Therapy

HPV Infection: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Cardiovascular (I00-I99). Hemorrhoids (esp. with inflammatory change). Marisques – folds of skin on the anus, which usually remain after perianal thrombosis. Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99). Ectopic sebaceous glands Fibromas Papillomatous pigmented nevus cell nevi Lichen ruber planus (nodular lichen) Nevi (pigment mark, often called “mole” or “birthmark” in common parlance). Seborrheic warts Infectious and parasitic … HPV Infection: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Polycythemia: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target Risk reduction of thromboembolic complications → hematocrit value (Hk: volume fraction of cellular elements in the blood; because erythrocytes physiologically represent 99% of the total volume of blood cells, Hkt corresponds to the volume fraction of all erythrocytes in total blood ): < 45 % Therapy recommendations in polycythaemia vera (PV) For mild … Polycythemia: Drug Therapy

Fever Therapy

Fever therapy is a procedure by which the patient’s body actively produces a fever. This is done by introducing pyrogenic substances (substances that cause fever) iatrogenically (performed by a physician) into the body. The procedure is also referred to as active hyperthermia and contrasts with passive hyperthermia, which causes an increase in body temperature through … Fever Therapy

Whole Body Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia therapy (GKHT; whole-body hyperthermia) is a hyperthermia therapy of cancer patients in which cancer cells are destroyed by exposure to heat. Mechanisms of action of hyperthermia (HT) The effect of hyperthermia therapy is essentially based on a direct hyperthermic cytotoxicity (” property to act as a cell toxin “. Furthermore, the procedure is used … Whole Body Hyperthermia

Auditory Canal Inflammation (Otitis Externa): Prevention

To prevent otitis externa (ear canal inflammation) diffusa, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors. Behavioral risk factors Exaggerated “ear hygiene” (soapy water; manipulation with ear or cotton swabs). Irritation of the skin by piercing, earrings, ear moulds. Allergic reactions / eczema against hair shampoos, hair sprays, cosmetics. Other risk factors “Swimming pool … Auditory Canal Inflammation (Otitis Externa): Prevention

Lung Cancer (Bronchial Carcinoma): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) is an important component in the diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer). Family history Are there frequent tumor cases in your family? Social history What is your profession? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). Have you noticed symptoms such as irritable cough, fever, or shortness of breath? Have … Lung Cancer (Bronchial Carcinoma): Medical History

Chronic Wound: Therapy

The therapy of chronic wounds depends on the exact cause. Caution!Therapy-resistant or morphologically conspicuous ulcerations (ulcers) must be clarified histologically (fine tissue)! For specific recommendations on pressure ulcers or diabetic foot, see under the respective clinical picture. General measures Aim for normal weight!Determine BMI (body mass index) or body composition using electrical impedance analysis. Falling … Chronic Wound: Therapy

Pressure Ulcer

Pressure ulcer (thesaurus synonyms: Decubitus presacralis; decubitus sacralis; decubital ulcer; decubital ulcer of leg; decubital ulcer of foot; decubital ulcer of thigh; decubital ulcer of coccyx; decubital ulcerAnaldecubitus; Decubital ulcer of heel; Decubital ulcer of hip; Decubital ulcer of calf; Decubital ulcer of back; Decubital ulcer of anal area; Decubital ulcer of sacrum; Decubital ulcer … Pressure Ulcer