Atopic Dermatitis: Eczema

Symptoms Atopic dermatitis, or neurodermatitis, is a noncontagious, chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes episodes of red, rough, dry or weeping, crusted and scaly skin. Eczema can occur all over the body and is typically accompanied by severe itching. Patients have dry skin. In infants, the disease begins on the scalp and cheeks. Depending on … Atopic Dermatitis: Eczema


Products Secukinumab was approved as an injectable in many countries in 2015 (Cosentyx / -SensoReady). Structure and properties Secukinumab is a human IgG1κ monoclonal antibody. It is produced by biotechnological methods. The molecular mass is approximately 151 kDa. Effects Secukinumab (ATC L04AC10) binds to the cytokine interleukin-17A (IL-17A) and inhibits interaction with its receptor. As … Secukinumab

Clobetasol Propionate

Products Clobetasol propionate is commercially available as cream, ointment, foam, shampoo, and scalp application (Dermovate, Clobex, Clarelux). It has been approved in many countries since 1976. Structure and properties Clobetasol propionate (C25H32ClFO5, Mr = 466.97 g/mol) is the ester of clobetasol with propionic acid. It is a derivative of prednisolone. Clobetasol propionate exists as a … Clobetasol Propionate

Skin rash without itching

A skin rash (exanthema) can have various causes and manifestations. Some of these conditions are not accompanied by pronounced itching, which distinguishes them from other skin diseases. There are also a number of diseases which, among other symptoms, cause a skin rash that is not always accompanied by itching. It is important to note that … Skin rash without itching

Skin rash without itching in children | Skin rash without itching

Skin rash without itching in children Many children suffer from skin rashes from time to time. As with adults, it can have various causes and is usually harmless. Children often react to detergents or care products with rashes. This is particularly likely if the rash appears after switching to new products and disappears again after … Skin rash without itching in children | Skin rash without itching

Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is quite common in Germany. Typical signs are red skin areas, which are noticeable by silvery-white scales. In addition, these affected skin areas are often clearly delineated and raised and can be very itchy. To date, there is no complete cure, although the symptoms can be greatly alleviated by … Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Acute Otitis Externa

Symptoms Acute otitis externa is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. The pinna and eardrum may also be involved. Possible symptoms include itching, ear pain, skin redness, swelling, a feeling of fullness and pressure, impaired hearing, and a discharge. Fever and swelling of the lymph nodes may also occur. Pain worsens with chewing. Complications: … Acute Otitis Externa