Dosage | Kijimea® Derma

Dosage The dietary supplement Kijimea® Derma is recommended by the manufacturers of the product for daily consumption. The hard capsules, which contain a microculture, riboflavin and biotin, should be taken twice daily without chewing. The main meals are well suited as a time for taking the capsules. The capsules are swallowed with sufficient liquid. For … Dosage | Kijimea® Derma

Price | Kijimea® Derma

Price There are different prices for Kijimea® Derma, depending on package size and supplier. The product can be purchased in pharmacies as well as various online pharmacies and stores. The smallest package size contains 14 hard capsules and is sufficient for approximately one week’s use. Prices vary and range from 11 to 16 euros. The … Price | Kijimea® Derma

Psoriasis: Swimming in the Pool Allowed

About two million people in the Federal Republic suffer from psoriasis. This is a reaction disorder of the skin, which manifests itself as inflammation and scaling in very different forms, but is not contagious or infectious. According to bathing regulations, people with psoriasis were prohibited from entering public swimming pools until 2005. However, today they … Psoriasis: Swimming in the Pool Allowed

Fumaric Acid Therapy for Psoriasis

Active ingredients from an inconspicuous, red-flowered plant are currently the best-tested weapons against severe and moderate forms of psoriasis. The so-called fumaric acid esters from the “common fumitory” (Fumaris officinalis) were presented by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Sterry, president of the German Dermatological Society and head of the skin clinic at Berlin’s Charité hospital, as an … Fumaric Acid Therapy for Psoriasis

Psoriasis therapy

Introduction In the therapy of psoriasis there are three main goals to be achieved: In addition to local (local, e.g. ointments) and systemic (introduced into the organism, e.g. tablets) treatment, UVA radiation is also used to alleviate the symptoms. Reducing the rate of migration of skin cells Inflammation inhibition Elimination of triggering factors The local … Psoriasis therapy


Other term Tear Lead Application of graphites for the following diseases in homeopathy Skin diseases Shed Hair Loss Dry eczema and rhagades Psoriasis Inflammations of the eye Scar complaints Chronic constipation Use of graphites for the following symptoms Overall picture of symptoms is very similar to an underactive thyroid gland. Particularly suitable for people who … Graphites


Introduction Adalimumab is a drug, which belongs to the class of biologicals and can be used especially for autoimmune diseases. In these diseases our natural defence system overreacts and attacks the body’s own cells. Thus, Adalimumab can help patients suffering from psoriasis, rheumatism or chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. In the following you can learn more … Adalimumab

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab Adalimumab belongs to the so-called biologicals, a group of still relatively new drugs, which have a regulatory influence on our body’s immune system. Strictly speaking, Adalimumab belongs to the so-called tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, which are generally used for chronic inflammatory, systemic – i.e. affecting the whole body – diseases where … Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab Almost no interactions are known for adalimumab. Especially drugs like anticoagulants (e.g. Marcumar), which often lead to interactions, are well tolerated with Adalimumab. Some studies have shown that the combination of adalimumab with other biologicals or antirheumatic drugs can weaken the effect of adalimumab or can greatly increase the … These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab