When can I start exercising again? | Duration of irritation of the appendix

When can I start exercising again?

If there is a simple irritation of the appendix, which only lasts a few hours and heals without consequences, this is usually harmless. It is advisable to rest for a few days and then to take up sport slowly. If the irritation of the appendix develops into a pronounced appendicitis, which must be treated with medication or surgery, a longer break from sport is recommended. After an operation, you should refrain from sports for six weeks and then slowly start exercising again.

Duration of chronic irritation of the appendix

A chronic irritation of the appendix is not limited to a defined period of time. A chronic irritation of the appendix occurs repeatedly or even permanently. Often a chronic irritation of the appendix runs over several years in short acute phases. This means that the symptoms occur repeatedly for a short period and usually subside after a few hours.