Genital Herpes: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target

  • Improvement of the symptomatology

Therapy recommendations


Virostatics are drugs that stop viruses from replicating. They inhibit an enzyme in the virus that replicates genetic information. However, these drugs do not reach dormant viruses in the nerve ganglia (nerve nodules), so recurrences are possible. Aciclovir is considered the antiviral of choice for herpes virus infections. Newer drugs with good efficacy are fanciclovir or valciclovir.


Analgesics are pain relievers. There are several different subgroups, such as the NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which include diclofenac and ASA (acetylsalicylic acid), or the group around the nonacidic analgesics acetaminophen and metamizole. They are all widely used. Many preparations in these groups carry a risk of gastric ulcers (stomach ulcers) with prolonged use. Diclofenac is usually prescribed for severe pain associated with herpes infections.