Transmission of psoriasis | Psoriasis of the scalp

Transmission of psoriasis Since psoriasis is a so-called autoimmune disease, it is hereditary but not contagious. Even in the case of an acute flare, which is accompanied by a severe reddening of the skin and severe scaling, transmission to a healthy person is impossible, even when close by. Psoriasis during pregnancy Psoriasis rarely occurs for … Transmission of psoriasis | Psoriasis of the scalp

Inflammation in the groin

Introduction Inflammation of the groin or groin region can have a wide variety of causes and reasons. There are a number of different tissues and structures in the groin that could become inflamed. For example, lymph nodes, hair follicles and hair follicles are located in the groin, just as the skin in the groin can … Inflammation in the groin

Symptoms of an inflammation of the groin | Inflammation in the groin

Symptoms of an inflammation of the groin The classic symptoms of an inflammation are actually always the same in every part of the body, because the mechanism of an inflammation is always the same. Inflammation always results in redness, swelling, overheating and, of course, pain. If the skin is mainly affected by the inflammation, there … Symptoms of an inflammation of the groin | Inflammation in the groin

Psoriasis treatment

What are the treatment options? Psoriasis is a complex skin disease that occurs in relapses and can be very stressful for those affected. There are various options available for the treatment of psoriasis, which are individually adapted to the patient. A basic distinction is made between local and systemic therapy of psoriasis. In the following, … Psoriasis treatment

Creams for the treatment of psoriasis | Psoriasis treatment

Creams for the treatment of psoriasis The treatment of psoriasis includes the use of various skin creams. Every patient with psoriasis should be given a basic care with creams containing salicylic acid and urea. These creams help to loosen the skin scales. In addition, dry skin should be treated with moisturizing creams. Examples of such … Creams for the treatment of psoriasis | Psoriasis treatment