Mental Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Every human being goes through psychological development in the course of his or her life. Mental and spiritual abilities form more extensively and possibilities for action and motives change. What is psychological development? The psychological maturity level enables an individual to find his way in his environment and to behave appropriately in order to satisfy … Mental Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

How Food Affects the Soul

Eating is more than just the intake of nutrients, as the saying goes, “Eating and drinking keeps body and soul together.” The psyche also wants to benefit from the pleasure of eating, and it is not uncommon for food intake to serve as a balm for our souls. Read about how food affects our souls … How Food Affects the Soul

Mental Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) is sounding the alarm: negative stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century. And depression – currently the fourth most common cause of illness worldwide – is expected to be the most widespread health impairment after cardiovascular disease by 2020. In scientific terms, the soul is identical to … Mental Health

Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Speech is a basic function of human communication and distinguishes humans from any animal in this area. Human speech in this mature form does not occur in the animal kingdom and is a unique, highly accurate mode of communication among humans. What is speech? Speaking is the core of human communication. While gestures, facial expressions … Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Body Psychotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Various psychotherapeutic methods are summarized under the term body psychotherapy. These treat the psychological and physical experience of the person equally. What is body psychotherapy? The term body psychotherapy serves as a collective term for psychotherapy methods that involve the body in treatment. The term body psychotherapy serves as a collective term for psychotherapy methods … Body Psychotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Who Has Friends, Lives Healthier

Those who have friends have a stronger immune system, a more stable psyche and recover more quickly after illness. If current studies are to be believed, four out of five German citizens have close friends, on average about three. A network of stable, intensive friendships helps to significantly prolong life, because in difficult times it … Who Has Friends, Lives Healthier