These are the risks and side effects of taking | The contractions cocktail

These are the risks and side effects of taking

Taking a contraceptive cocktail also involves certain risks that must be taken into account. Therefore, the decision to take a contraceptive cocktail should always be made by doctors and midwives together with the expectant mother. If the cervix is not ready for delivery, complications can occur during birth.

Therefore, it is very important to determine exactly the right time to take the cocktail. Taking a contraceptive cocktail can have a negative effect on the baby if it contains alcohol. Alcohol, in the form of sparkling wine or even schnapps, is often mentioned in recipes for contractions cocktails on the Internet, but should be avoided at all costs!

The child’s blood circulation is connected to the mother’s via the placenta, which means that alcohol can enter the blood of the fetus and thus reach all organ systems, but above all can cause permanent damage to the brain. For this reason, alcohol in any form during pregnancy is an absolute taboo! Furthermore, fetal stress can be caused by the occurrence of contractions.

This means that the child’s circulation is affected. However, fetal stress is not dangerous to a certain extent, but it triggers the contractions in a natural way. Thus, labor and fetal stress are mutually dependent.

However, it is dangerous to trigger the contractions when the cervix is still closed. Since castor oil has a strong laxative effect, a frequent side effect of the contraction cocktail is diarrhea.The diarrhea can in turn lead to a severe loss of fluid and an impaired circulation and exhaustion of the mother. Especially a strong exhaustion of the mother can lead to a further delay of the birth initiation, which can be met competently in an obstetric clinic.

In addition, the diarrhea causes a strong loss of potassium, which can cause dangerous cardiac arrhythmia. This side effect can be counteracted in the clinic with infusions. Furthermore, the unpleasant taste of castor oil can cause nausea and vomiting. The addition of apricot juice, almond paste and various other ingredients is supposed to reduce the bitter taste of the castor oil.