Pain in the left costal arch when breathing in | Pain in the left costal arch

Pain in the left costal arch when breathing in

If the pain in the costal arch occurs during inhalation, this speaks against an organic cause. In the case of heart attacks, liver complaints or stomach problems, the pain is in most cases independent of breathing.In the diagnosis, therefore, primarily complaints of the supporting and holding apparatus (musculoskeletal complaints) must be considered, but also the lungs. After bone contusions or fractures, small inflammations often occur locally at the affected area, which cause an increased perception of pain. Even small stimuli, such as light pressure or light rubbing as in normal breathing, are sufficient to trigger the pain. If breathing difficulties are added to the pain, an injury to the lungs and pleura must also be considered.

Pain in the left costal arch with back pain

In some cases, actual back pain may be projected into the costal arch and mistakenly mistaken for a rib problem. Each vertebral body of the thoracic spine forms a joint on each side with the adjacent ribs. In these joints, incorrect movements and dislocations can cause blockages or dislocations of the joint.

This can be accompanied by muscle tension, nerve entrapment and even shortness of breath. Sometimes there is paralyzing pain in the back, which can extend to the ribcage. A visit to an orthopedic surgeon or, if necessary, an osteopath is indispensable.

Pain in the left costal arch – indication of disease of the bile or liver?

Various diseases of the liver and bile ducts can cause pain in the costal arch. The liver is a very large organ that is directly adjacent to the lower costal arch and the diaphragm. Enlargement of the liver, which can occur as part of various diseases, can sometimes cause severe breath-related pain in the costal arch, sometimes even shortness of breath. The gall bladder can also cause pain in this area. An inflammation of the gallbladder can cause strong, colicky pressure pains at the costal arch, which often occur after eating.