D-dimer test | D-dimers

D-dimer test D-dimers are determined by means of a specific antibody test. This test is not only carried out to rule out thrombosis, but also for the diagnosis and monitoring of other diseases. In clinical routine the determination of D-dimers is performed indirectly by means of specific antibodies. These bind to a specific region of … D-dimer test | D-dimers

What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? | D-dimers

What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? The symptoms caused by a D-dimer increase are essentially related to the underlying disease. The typical symptoms of a thromboembolic event include swelling of the affected body part, overheating, painful pressure, redness and a distinct feeling of tension. Pulmonary embolism is an acutely life-threatening situation that manifests … What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? | D-dimers

Possible accompanying symptoms | Left side pain when inhaling

Possible accompanying symptoms Unfortunately, there are no typical accompanying symptoms for breath-related pain in the left thorax. Since these pains, which are themselves already a symptom, can be caused by a number of different diseases, other accompanying symptoms are as different as the causes themselves. If, for example, esophagitis or gastritis were the cause, the … Possible accompanying symptoms | Left side pain when inhaling

The course of the disease | Left side pain when inhaling

The course of the disease Also the course of the disease is again completely dependent on the underlying disease.While, for example, a single esophagitis heals within a few days and actually does not leave any permanent damage, a heart attack, on the other hand, is always accompanied by damage to the heart muscle, which is … The course of the disease | Left side pain when inhaling

Guideline | Therapy of a pulmonary embolism

Guideline There are several guidelines for the treatment of pulmonary embolism from different professional societies. These guidelines are merely a decision-making aid for the treating physicians, without being legally binding. They summarize the current study situation and incorporate it into the respective therapy scheme. Depending on the clinical picture, they then provide guidelines for the … Guideline | Therapy of a pulmonary embolism

Duration of the therapy | Therapy of a pulmonary embolism

Duration of the therapy Depending on the extent to which pulmonary vessels are blocked by the clot, the affected patients have severe or less severe symptoms. In most cases, however, pulmonary embolism is accompanied by acute shortness of breath and requires inpatient therapy. Depending on the various risk factors, hospital treatment with anticoagulants is usually … Duration of the therapy | Therapy of a pulmonary embolism

Is it possible to have a pulmonary embolism even if nothing is visible on the ECG? | ECG changes in the case of a pulmonary embolism

Is it possible to have a pulmonary embolism even if nothing is visible on the ECG? In principle, a pulmonary embolism can also be present if nothing is visible in the ECG. In most cases, the ECG is only used as a supplement when diagnosing pulmonary embolism. The clinical symptoms, laboratory values and imaging are … Is it possible to have a pulmonary embolism even if nothing is visible on the ECG? | ECG changes in the case of a pulmonary embolism