Hawthorn: Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses

The one-handled and the two-handled hawthorn are native to the whole Europe, besides, the other hawthorn species originate from the Balkan Peninsula, from the Eastern Mediterranean areas, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. The drug material is imported from Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Use of hawthorn In herbal medicine, the most common use is the dried leaves … Hawthorn: Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses

Hawthorn: Applications and Uses

Products containing hawthorn are used for age-related declining efficiency of the heart (old-age heart) and mild forms of heart failure (heart failure). The plant is particularly suitable for the treatment of stage II heart failure, which, according to the definition of the New York Heart Association (NYHA), is associated with a slight reduction in physical … Hawthorn: Applications and Uses

Hawthorn: Dosage

Hawthorn leaves are offered in the form of tea preparations, also in filter bags or as combination preparations of the group of cardiovascular teas. In herbal medicine, hawthorn preparations continue to occupy a leading place among the most commonly purchased remedies. Hawthorn is available in the form of film-coated tablets, coated tablets, capsules and drops. … Hawthorn: Dosage

Hawthorn: Effect and Side Effects

Hawthorn leaves have multiple effects on the heart and blood vessels. Thus, taking hawthorn preparations leads, among other things, to an increase in cardiac strength (positive inotropy) and an acceleration of the transmission of excitation at the heart by influencing certain channels and receptors at the heart. Furthermore, hawthorn has vasodilatory properties, resulting in an … Hawthorn: Effect and Side Effects