Dizziness through the cervical spine

Dizziness (med. Vertigo) caused by the cervical spine is also called cervicogenic (coming from the cervical spine) dizziness or cervical vertigo. The dizziness symptoms often occur after acceleration trauma or another type of accident that affects the cervical spine. There are different types of vertigo. Cervical vertigo is usually not perceived as rotational vertigo, but … Dizziness through the cervical spine

Fear | Dizziness through the cervical spine

Fear Anxiety disorders or depression can also cause dizziness. Many anxiety and panic patients suffer from dizziness, although often no neurological or vestibular causes can be identified. A distinction can be made between two syndromes: in many cases, anxiety and dizziness are mutually dependent, because those who suffer from dizziness more often become afraid of … Fear | Dizziness through the cervical spine