Amoxicillin rash | Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin rash

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is very popular on the one hand because it can be used against a large number of bacteria, and on the other hand its broad effect means that it can lead to increased side effects. A common side effect of taking amoxicillin is a rash on the skin. This rash, caused by taking Amoxicillin, can look very different and can take on very different proportions depending on the individual.

From a harmless, small skin rash to large, allergic skin rashes, the extent of the rash caused by Amoxicillin can vary greatly depending on the patient. The rash may be accompanied by itching. In other patients, amoxicillin intake may cause allergic reactions, which may be accompanied by a rash and often manifest themselves as so-called wheals. If such a severe rash occurs while taking Amoxicillin, a doctor should be consulted urgently and the intake of Amoxicillin should be interrupted. If, on the other hand, there is only a slight redness with a slight itching, the doctor should be consulted to see if Amoxicillin can be continued or if the intake should be interrupted.

Amoxicillin in children

The antibiotic amoxicillin is also used in children to treat some infectious diseases, as it is also generally well tolerated by children. The dosage for children depends on age and body weight. Accordingly, children with a body weight of up to 40 kilograms receive a daily dose of Amoxicillin of approximately 2000 milligrams at most.

The daily dose is divided into three to four single doses of 50-100mg each. Children with a body weight over 40 milligrams receive a daily dose of up to 3000 mg, similar to adults. The administration of antibiotics to children is based on exact calculation.

Since children often do not like to take tablets, amoxicillin is also available as a juice or suspension. It is also no problem for children to take the antibiotic with milk or dairy products, as Amoxicillin does not interact with the minerals contained in milk. The effectiveness is not lost.

The antibiotic Amoxicillin should not be taken during pregnancy unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor. So far there are no studies showing that taking it has a negative effect on the unborn child and that it can cause harm. However, individual studies have shown that the baby’s bowel inflammation after birth was more common because of the antibiotic. As a precautionary measure, administration should therefore be avoided.

Amoxicillin during breastfeeding

The antibiotic should also not be taken when breastfeeding, unless the treating doctor sees no other possibility to switch to another antibiotic. Amoxicillin is transferred to the child’s body through breast milk and can also damage the healthy intestinal flora. It can also cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea. If taking amoxicillin is unavoidable, the mother can stop breastfeeding beforehand and thus protect the child.