Skin cream for men

General information A skin cream is an emulsion containing fatty products, water and emulsifiers. This makes it a semi-solid, spreadable preparation for application to the skin. For centuries, skin creams have been used to improve certain conditions of the skin. In the past, skin creams were mainly used by women. Nowadays, however, it is taken … Skin cream for men

How can you prevent an abscess?

Introduction Some people suffer from recurring abscesses. There can be various reasons for this, such as a predisposition, previous illnesses of the skin or immune system or injuries. Abscesses often present themselves as an acute clinical picture with painful swelling, fever and a generally limited sense of well-being. In most cases, the therapy of an … How can you prevent an abscess?

What is the best way to perform a shave to prevent an abscess? | How can you prevent an abscess?

What is the best way to perform a shave to prevent an abscess? Frequently, abscesses develop at the base of an ingrown hair. This is often the case with anal abscesses, for example. Especially men with strong hairs are more often affected. However, shaving can also promote the development of abscesses. In particular, razor blades … What is the best way to perform a shave to prevent an abscess? | How can you prevent an abscess?

Hair outgrowth

There are many different methods with which one can (let) remove body hair, all of which have certain advantages, but also disadvantages. Which of these methods is ultimately used depends mainly on individual preferences (how long the result should last, how much pain is felt, what is perceived as most pleasant subjectively, etc. ), but … Hair outgrowth

Mons pubis

Definition The term mons pubis (also: mons pubis, Venus hill, mons pubis, mons pubis) is used to describe a bulge in a woman that is located above the pubic bone (Os pubis) or the vulva. Position of the mons pubis The mons veneris begins where the labia majora pudendi meet (commissura labiorum anterior) and then … Mons pubis


General information There are three different types of hair in humans: Beard hairs belong to the terminal hairs, i.e. those hairs which are more strongly pigmented, longer and thicker than the rest of the body hair. – Terminal Hair Lanugo hair Vellus hair Structure of terminal hairs All terminal hairs have the same structure and … Whiskers