Osteopathy for arthrosis

Arthrosis is one of the most common degenerative diseases. In arthrosis, cartilage wear and joint changes occur. Starting from the 65th year of life practically everyone is concerned however with only 1⁄4 subjective complaints are noticed. Osteoarthritis of the spine outweighs osteoarthritis of the knee-hip and shoulder joint. Introduction Arthrosis develops from a mismatch between … Osteopathy for arthrosis

Osteopathy for a slipped disc

The herniated disc is one of the most common orthopedic diseases and is constantly increasing due to heavy physical strain, less balancing training and reduced ability to cope with stress. The herniated disc of the lumbar spine outweighs the herniated disc of the cervical spine and BWS. The intervertebral discs are filled with water and … Osteopathy for a slipped disc

Further therapeutic methods | Osteopathy for a slipped disc

Further therapeutic methods In addition to osteopathy, regular physiotherapy should be performed. In this therapy the current symptoms are treated. Pain-relieving measures, such as traction of the spine or soft tissue techniques to treat tense muscles are part of the treatment spectrum. Also, a correct behavioral pattern in everyday life is pointed out. This includes … Further therapeutic methods | Osteopathy for a slipped disc