Ilium-rib muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus iliocostalis English: iliocostal muscle Synergists: Musculus latissimus dorsi Antagonists: Musculus sternocleidomastoideus, Musculus longus colli, longus capitis Definition The iliocostalis muscle (iliac-rib muscle) is a muscle that belongs to the autochthonous back muscles. It is located above the transverse processes (epaxial) and lateral to the longissimus muscle. It is located in the lateral … Ilium-rib muscle

Striated Musculature

Definition of striated musculature Transverse striated muscle is the name given to a certain type of muscle tissue because under polarizing light (for example, a simple light microscope) it looks as if the individual muscle fiber cells have regular transverse striation. Normally, the term is used synonymously for skeletal musculature, since this type of tissue … Striated Musculature

Excitation of the striated musculature | Striated Musculature

Excitation of the striated musculature An important feature of the striated muscles, precisely to distinguish them from the smooth muscles and the heart muscles, is that they are subject to our arbitrary control. ́Quergestreifte Muscles can be consciously tensed or relaxed by us. They are reached by motor nerve fibers, at the end of which … Excitation of the striated musculature | Striated Musculature

History | Muscle Strain

History The course of a muscle strain depends on how severe the previous injury was, i.e. how much the muscle was overstretched. Depending on the extent and scope of the injury, a muscle strain takes two to three weeks to heal. Prognosis In most cases a pulled muscle heals completely within a period of one … History | Muscle Strain

Muscle Strain

distension Definition The term “muscle strain” (technical term: distension) is used in medical terminology to describe the process of stretching a muscle beyond the usual extent. The muscle strain as such must be distinguished from a torn muscle fibre. In the latter case, the smallest tears within the muscle fibers occur and an associated accumulation … Muscle Strain

Causes | Muscle Strain

Causes Within a skeletal muscle, the so-called “sarcomeres” form the smallest structural units. Several of these sarcomeres together form a muscle fibril. These, in turn, combine to form individual myofibrils and muscle fibers, which together form a muscle fiber bundle. A muscle itself therefore consists of a large number of muscle fiber bundles. The cause … Causes | Muscle Strain

Diagnosis | Muscle Strain

Diagnosis The diagnosis of muscle strain is made on the basis of the symptoms that emerge during a conversation with the treating physician. The exact course of the accident and the symptoms will be explained during the consultation. This is followed by a physical examination. The doctor checks the appearance and function of the affected … Diagnosis | Muscle Strain


Definition The protein troponin is an important component of the contractile apparatus of the heart and skeletal muscles. Together with tropomyosin, its main task is the regulation of muscle contraction at the microscopic level. Troponin is a complex of the building blocks troponin T, I and C, each of which has its own partial function … Troponin