Household remedy against dark circles | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove

Household remedy against dark circles It is not always necessary to buy expensive creams or take advantage of treatments to treat dark circles around the eyes. At first, you can also try to remove the dark circles with the help of classic home remedies: cold but still moist bags of black tea or chamomile tea … Household remedy against dark circles | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove

Eye circles in children | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove

Eye circles in children If children have dark circles under the eyes, sleep deprivation is rarely the cause. Rather, they are the expression of many different causal complaints. These include a blocked nose or an allergy. An inflammation in the nasal passage and congestion of the nasal secretion causes the veins around the child’s eyes … Eye circles in children | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove

Cover up dark circles around the eyes | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove

Cover up dark circles around the eyes If immediate relief of dark circles around the eyes is necessary or desired, covering the dark circles works best. The face gets a freshness kick, looks more lively and the dark circles under the eyes are hidden for several hours. Before covering the dark circles, moisturising care of … Cover up dark circles around the eyes | Circles under the eyes – Get rid of and remove


“Wart” (verruca) is a collective term for a variety of (almost always) benign skin changes that can be caused by many different pathogens. By far the most common trigger for warts, however, are the so-called human papilloma viruses (HPV), with which one can be infected by a contact or smear infection. It is assumed that … Warts

What happens when you stop taking the pill?

Introduction Women who take the pill supply their bodies with comparatively large amounts of hormones. Although the hormones contained in the most common pills also occur naturally in the body, they are subject to strict, cycle-dependent regulation. To prevent excessive circulation of these hormones within the bloodstream, the ovaries in particular can reduce production. However, … What happens when you stop taking the pill?

Changes in weight | What happens when you stop taking the pill?

Changes in weight Already at the beginning of taking the pill, most young girls show significant weight changes. Especially when taking more highly concentrated hormonal contraceptives, many women can gain considerable weight. Since the frequency of prescribing the so-called “minipill” has increased significantly, the number of cases of weight changes after the start of taking … Changes in weight | What happens when you stop taking the pill?

Influence on the mood | What happens when you stop taking the pill?

Influence on the mood The Pill is still one of the most popular hormonal contraceptives worldwide. Many women start taking this contraceptive during puberty. The reason for this is not necessarily the fact that unwanted conception can be safely prevented if the pill is taken regularly. By interfering with the natural hormone balance, the pill … Influence on the mood | What happens when you stop taking the pill?