Homeopathy for skin diseases with the appearance of swelling and wheals or blisters

Homeopathic medicines In the second phase of dermatitis the following homeopathic medicines are used: Apis (honey bee) Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) Cantharis (Spanish fly) Apis (honey bee) Typical dosage of Apis (honey bee) for skin inflammation: Tablets D6 The swelling increases, the skin is light red The pain is burning and stinging, accompanied by great … Homeopathy for skin diseases with the appearance of swelling and wheals or blisters


By definition, eczema is a non-infectious, inflammatory skin disease that affects only the uppermost layer of the skin (epidermis) and possibly also the uppermost layers of the dermis, which are located directly under the epidermis and interlock with it. Since eczema is not caused by pathogens, it is also not contagious. With a prevalence between … Eczema

Eczema in the baby | Eczema

Eczema in the baby The most common form of eczema in babies is atopic eczema, better known as neurodermatitis. However, this term is misleading in that it implies that there is an inflammation of the nerves. In Germany, up to 15% of children fall ill with neurodermatitis by the time they start school, 60% of … Eczema in the baby | Eczema

Pull Ointment

Almost every person has to fight with annoying pimples in the course of his life. For more than 100 years, people have sworn by the effect of the pulling ointment. The pulling ointment is a skin remedy (dermatics). It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimycotic (against fungi), blood circulation-promoting and pain-relieving effect. Inflammatory skin diseases such … Pull Ointment