The Price | The Cranberry Capsules

The Price

The price of cranberry products varies, sometimes very widely. The price of these products depends, among other things, on how the cranberries have been processed or how and in what quantity or dose they are available. The cheapest products such as the unprocessed berry itself can be purchased in smaller quantities starting at around three euros. The most expensive products are in the range of approx. 40 Eure, but are then available in larger quantities, for example as capsules.

Alternatives to Cranberry

As an alternative to the cranberries, in contrast to the natural products, the traditional school medicine with its medicines can be considered. However, some of these are not based on natural active ingredients and may show other mechanisms and side effects. In case of doubt, each person should decide for himself which type of therapy is the most suitable for him.

For example, there are special antibiotics that are suitable for use in bacterial urinary tract infections. Statins also exist. These reduce the amount of fats in the blood and thus have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. For vitamins and other ingredients there are also various preparations or juices.

Can I take cranberry capsules during pregnancy?

There are no studies that prove that cranberry capsules are harmful to mother or child during pregnancy. However, this is suspected from time to time, which is why it is advisable not to take cranberry capsules. If this is nevertheless desired, you can discuss this with your doctor.