Skin wrinkles

Aesthetics are becoming more and more important in today’s world and more and more people want a durable, youthful appearance. Skin wrinkles are seen as increasingly disturbing and unattractive, although they are basically perfectly normal signs of aging. Approximately in the course of the 25th year of life there are increasingly intensive changes in the … Skin wrinkles

Skin Smoothing

Synonyms facelift, rhytidectomy General information Nowadays, aesthetics and a young, fresh appearance is becoming more and more important for a large number of people. Skin irregularities are often perceived by those affected as increasingly annoying and seen as an unattractive blemish. Basically, however, they are a completely normal phenomenon of the aging process. As there … Skin Smoothing

Methods | Skin Smoothing

Methods In order to achieve the best possible result for the respective patient in the course of surgical skin smoothing, various procedures are available. The choice of the appropriate method depends on the initial condition and extent of the sagging areas as well as the desired final result. The aim of every plastic surgical skin … Methods | Skin Smoothing

Costs of treatment against laughter lines | Laugh lines

Costs of treatment against laughter lines The cost of laminating or treating laugh lines varies greatly depending on the method and the extent of the wrinkles. Probably the cheapest method is the application of concealing make-up. Depending on the brand, the price for a filling concealer varies between 5 and 35 Euros. Products that are … Costs of treatment against laughter lines | Laugh lines

Laugh lines

According to a Belgian study by the University of Louvain, test persons smiling people with small wrinkles around the eyes and mouth (the so-called laughter lines) were found to be significantly more attractive, cheerful and intelligent than people with wrinkle-free smiles. These were often perceived as artificial and inauthentic. Researchers saw the reason for this … Laugh lines

What to do about laughter lines? | Laugh lines

What to do about laughter lines? Although laughter lines should be seen as a sign of each person’s personality and not as something negative, there are still numerous ways to eliminate the small, annoying wrinkles. One of the most important possibilities is certainly the artificial hyaluronic acid, which can now be produced in the laboratory … What to do about laughter lines? | Laugh lines