Trouble-free Through Menopause

Is this already menopause? – That’s what many women ask themselves when they suddenly sleep worse than before, sweat more or when their periods become more irregular. As early as the mid-30s, the hormone balance in a woman’s body slowly begins to change. However, the first noticeable effects of these changes usually do not appear … Trouble-free Through Menopause

Dizziness and fatigue

Definition Dizziness with fatigue is the name given to two symptoms that can occur together and are often mutually dependent. The cause is often a combination of many factors, such as lack of sleep and stress. However, there are also various diseases that can be considered as causes. These include, for example, an anaemia or … Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis For the diagnosis of dizziness and fatigue, the medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation, plays an important role. During this discussion, the closer circumstances and possible causes can be identified more precisely. Depending on the suspicion, further diagnostic tools are available. These include, for example, the physical examination, which plays an important role especially … Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances

Fatty tissue is not only energy storage, but also acts as an organ that produces various messenger substances: The abdominal fat in particular sometimes sends out fatal signals in the process, the full implications of which are only just being recognized by medicine. Among other things, the fatty tissue in the abdominal cavity releases immune … Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances

Help with Sleep Disorder: That Really Helps: Treatment, Effect & Risks

About six percent of Germans have sleep disorders at least occasionally. Regular sleep disorders can have serious consequences for health, in addition to irritability and fatigue. People who regularly have problems with healthy sleep often suffer from a chronic lack of sleep. We speak of sleep disorders when those affected have problems falling asleep properly … Help with Sleep Disorder: That Really Helps: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Coffee in Pregnancy

It is common knowledge that alcohol and tobacco are dangerous for the unborn child and should therefore be taboo during pregnancy. That medication should be taken only after consultation with the doctor is also self-evident. But even the seemingly harmless consumption of coffee during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the baby. What does … Coffee in Pregnancy