Flaky urine in the child | Flaky urine

Flaky urine in the child

Even in children and infants, the composition of the urine can temporarily change for harmless reasons. This can happen, just like with adults, due to certain foods or an insufficient fluid intake. But cloudy, flaky urine can also indicate deficiencies, disorders or diseases.

If a change in the appearance of the urine occurs frequently, persists or is accompanied by symptoms, a pediatrician should be consulted promptly. If, in addition to the changed appearance of the urine, there is an urge to urinate and a burning pain when urinating, a pediatrician should be consulted on the same day. These are signs of a possible disorder or inflammation of the urinary tract system which, if left untreated, can lead to irreversible damage.

Children and infants cannot always express their symptoms directly. Infants in particular are not able to express their pain and discomfort linguistically; instead, they express it through their behavior. This means that they increasingly scream, whine, some infants and children withdraw, others become more aggressive.

In addition, they often refuse to drink when urination causes pain. In addition, children and infants may have a faster and stronger fever if they have a urinary tract infection. It is also possible that infants and children may experience untypical symptoms. As a result, occurring abdominal pain and nausea can be misinterpreted.