Trouble-free Through Menopause

Is this already menopause? – That’s what many women ask themselves when they suddenly sleep worse than before, sweat more or when their periods become more irregular. As early as the mid-30s, the hormone balance in a woman’s body slowly begins to change. However, the first noticeable effects of these changes usually do not appear until between the ages of 40 and 45.

Typical symptoms

Menopause does not start with a bang, but slowly and gradually. Declining hormone levels are first noticeable in that the monthly cycle becomes more irregular – the intervals between cycles may be longer or shorter, and the strength of bleeding may increase or decrease. Typical symptoms in this first hormonal change phase are also sleep problems. Often you wake up in the night drenched in sweat and can’t get back to sleep. Many women’s mental well-being also suffers during this time. They are nervous, irritable and simply do not feel comfortable in their skin. And this is no wonder – after all, the body has to find a new hormonal balance during menopause, just like during puberty.

Two medicinal plants for body and soul

“Menopause? – You just have to go through it as a woman,” is the widespread opinion. And indeed, menopause is a natural stage of development that every woman experiences in her life. However, this does not mean that women have to resign themselves to suffering from discomfort. Because in order to enable body and soul a gentle transition into the new stage of life, a natural and above all hormone-free treatment option is available. Effective for body and soul are the effective substances from black cohosh and St. John’s wort. While extracts from black cohosh gently support the hormonal changeover process and thus alleviate physical complaints such as sleeping problems, sweating or hot flashes, the active ingredients from St. John’s wort influence symptoms such as nervousness or irritability. This brings back inner balance. Uniquely combined in one drug, black cohosh plus St. John’s wort extract is available over the counter at pharmacies. Both physical and mental menopausal complaints can be balanced in a gentle way. Depending on the degree of discomfort, an individual dosage of the plant combination of one dragée twice daily or two dragées twice daily is possible. If the second dose is taken before bedtime, sleep problems and night sweats can be effectively countered.

Mastering the change fit and healthy

In what way and to what extent the period of menopause affects the physical and mental well-being and thus the quality of life of a woman depends on a variety of different factors. And by far not all of them are hormonal. One’s own attitude to this phase of life is also quite decisive. If fear and rejection dominate, if the fear of aging is in the foreground, there is a high probability that complaints will increase and that inner peace and balance will falter. A positive attitude towards life and the ability to like oneself, on the other hand, help to cope better with the menopause. And, every woman can do something for herself to master the time of change fit and healthy.

Tips around the menopause

  • Eat a varied and wholesome diet. Pay particular attention to a good supply of calcium to avoid osteoporosis. Eat calcium-rich vegetables such as fennel, broccoli, leek or endive, low-fat yogurt and cheese more often. Prefer mineral water with over 150 mg of calcium per liter.
  • To avoid weight problems during menopause, swap high-fat foods for lower-fat varieties. 30 grams of salami, for example, contain 11 grams of fat in the same amount of cooked ham is only 3 grams.
  • Avoid strongly spiced foods, caffeine and alcohol. These foods and stimulants can increase hot flashes. Helpful, on the other hand, is drinking plenty of water.
  • Stress aggravates hot flashes, so make sure you relax. Learn special relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training, yoga or muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen.
  • Sporting exercise keeps you fit and vital – and influences menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and psychological complaints; exercise also stimulates bone formation. A particularly beneficial sport is walking.