Slow Pulse: Causes, Treatment & Help

A slow pulse or low pulse is also called bradycardia or slowed heartbeat. In this context, a slow pulse is when the pulse rate is below 60 beats per minute at normal rest. A slow pulse should not be confused with low blood pressure. What is bradycardia? Bradycardia is the term used to describe a … Slow Pulse: Causes, Treatment & Help

Opioid Abuse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Opioids are substances produced naturally in the body as well as synthetically produced substances that act at the opioid receptors. They are a morphine-like effect that can quickly lead to addiction. Opioid abuse is therefore the use of such substances leading to addiction or supporting addiction. For prevention, every physician should be cautious about prescribing … Opioid Abuse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Suction Cup Birth

A suction cup birth is a vaginal surgical method of delivery. It is used in cases of birth complications. What is a suction cup birth? Suction cup birth also goes by the names suction cup delivery or vacuum extraction. This refers to a vaginal surgical procedure that is part of obstetrics. No other method in … Suction Cup Birth

Coffee: Intolerance & Allergy

Some people only drink a cup of coffee (even café) from time to time, others can not do without their daily mocha or espresso. For some it excites, for others it upsets. Contradictory opinions prevail about the effect and compatibility of the fragrant brew. The objections are as old as coffee is known in Europe. … Coffee: Intolerance & Allergy