Frenchay Dysarthria Examination: Treatment, Effects & Risks

With the Frenchay dysarthria examination, the doctor specifies a speech disorder related to damage to the brain or facial nerves by having the patient perform specific movements or utterances with the lips, soft palate, jaw, or tongue in ten individual areas. He also assesses voice, respiration (breathing), reflexes, and intelligibility on a scale of one … Frenchay Dysarthria Examination: Treatment, Effects & Risks

OP on the soft palateSeminal palate lift | Soft palate

OP on the soft palateSeminal palate lift A soft palate operation is a measure that is taken in patients who may experience breathing difficulties due to airway constriction caused by a large uvula or a flaccid soft palate.In most cases, the suppository is shortened and the soft palate is tightened to prevent further narrowing of … OP on the soft palateSeminal palate lift | Soft palate

What does a training of the soft palate look like? | Soft palate

What does a training of the soft palate look like? There are many different exercises that can be used to train the soft palate. Singing is recommended as the simplest method to train the throat and palate muscles. Singing can also train the breathing muscles. Furthermore, there are tongue and mouth exercises which can counteract … What does a training of the soft palate look like? | Soft palate

Soft palate

What is the soft palate? The soft palate (lat. Velum palatinum) is a flexible and soft continuation of the hard palate. This continuation presents itself as a soft tissue fold and consists of connective tissue, muscles and mucous membrane. Due to its composition it is often referred to as soft palate. The soft palate can … Soft palate