Peony: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

There are 32 different species of peonies or peonies. This name goes back to the Greek god Paian, who, according to legend, was a doctor who cured Pluton, the god of the underworld, with a peony. To this day, peonies are an important medicinal plant in homeopathic medicine.

Occurrence and cultivation of peony

On the color scale of peonies can be found all shades from white to pink to a bright red. The 32 species of peonies together form the herbaceous peony family. Shrubs are the rarest forms, perennials or semi-shrubs are the most common. The upper parts of the plant die back in winter, and the flowers are hermaphroditic and contain over two hundred stamens. Depending on the variety, the flowers can grow up to 20 cm in size. Peonies form seeds, which are up to 1.3 cm long and dark. On the color scale of peonies can be found all shades from white to pink to a bright red. Peonies grow in the temperate and subtropical northern climatic zone. In China, the peony was considered a symbol of wealth and happiness. In Europe, people were convinced that the peony cured diseases caused by the moon.

Effect and application

Flowers and roots of peonies contain substances that were used from ancient times to the Middle Ages against fever, skin diseases, injuries, rheumatism, gout and allergies. Even in the 19th century, it was the most common remedy for epilepsy. Scientific research has shown that peonies strengthen the immune system and have an analgesic effect. Peonies contain active substances in the leaves, roots and seeds. The active ingredient in the leaves is “anthocyanidin paeonidin-3,5-diglucoside”. The active ingredient in the roots is called paenoiflorin. In the seeds, there are mainly resin acid and a very fatty oil.In China, different kinds of peony are cultivated in large areas because they play a great role in the medicine used in China. One of the substances extracted from peony in China is “Chi Shao”. It helps against impure skin, bleeding, gynecological disorders, eye diseases, pain and especially fever. In Chinese medicine, people administer 3 to 15 grams of “Chi Shao” per treatment. In the western world, peony is also called “gout rose” in homeopathy and is used in the treatment against gout. In homeopathy, the peony is used to produce the substance “Paeonia officinalis“, which is marketed as globules, drops or ointment and is used for a whole range of diseases. It is prescribed for hemorrhoids, nervousness, ulcers, headaches and dry eyes, among others. For acute conditions, three globules should be taken three times a day. For hemorrhoids or fecal incontinence and sphincter weakness, the ointment is applied simultaneously in the morning and evening. Globules are available in different strengths. In the case of mood swings, the dose is greatly increased; in the case of muscle pain and ulcers, the dose is slightly decreased. On average, for a tincture, 5-15 drops are taken three times a day. Your own garden peonies can also be used for healing without further processing. 1 teaspoon of dried flowers is poured over boiling water and drunk as a tea after ten minutes of steeping. The roots of peonies also help against cramps, but are also used for rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, migraine, allergies and neuralgia. For this purpose, the roots are collected and dried. 7.5. grams of dried roots make enough decoction for a day’s ration. Peonies are mildly toxic and can also cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even severe colic if taken in excess. Therefore, it is very important to stick to the prescribed amount.

Health significance, treatment and prevention.

Peonies had a great importance in medicine from ancient times to the 19th century in curing and treating gout, epilepsy, rheumatism, digestive disorders and women’s diseases. Even Hippocrates already used it. In the Middle Ages, it was also credited with healing powers against “possession”. For this purpose, the dried seeds were smoked and the “possessed” had to inhale the smoke. Hildegard von Binnen used the seeds against mental illness.In her book “Physica” she wrote: “And if a man loses his mind, dip the seed in honey and put it on his tongue, so the forces excite his brain that the sick person quickly regains his mind.” The peony was often grown in monastery gardens and used as a medicinal plant. Today, peony still plays a major role in Chinese medicine and homeopathy. In Chinese medicine, two special peony varieties are cultivated for this purpose in vast areas in Mongolia. In homeopathy, mostly flowers and roots of the normal peony are used. The globules “Paeonia officinalis” can be taken as a preventive measure in case of a predisposition to gout and severe menstrual pain. In the case of an acute disease, the dosage must be carefully discussed with the homeopathic doctor. “Paeonia officinalis” also helps against various phobias and can then be used as an immediate remedy in an acute situation. The globules or drops help with fear of flying, fear of heights, arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and fear of exams. Since anxiety can also lead to stomach pain, the globules are also often prescribed for stomach problems caused by nervousness. “Paeonia officinalis” is considered particularly successful as an ointment for diseases of the anus such as hemorrhoids or sphincter weakness. In second place are globules and drops for nervous symptoms such as sleep problems and dizziness.