Vaginal Flora: Strong Balance

Day after day, the vagina is exposed to possible hostile attacks: after all, it is a constant connection to the outside world, where numerous potential pathogens also lurk. To protect the vagina and the associated sexual organs, nature has devised a sophisticated defense system. An important part of the protective process is the constantly produced … Vaginal Flora: Strong Balance

How does Muscle Soreness Develop?

Everyone who has ever been physically active knows it – sore muscles. But what exactly is muscle soreness and how does it develop? The aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolic pathways are available to the muscle for energy production. Carbohydrates and fats serve as fuels. In the aerobic pathway, these fuels produce water … How does Muscle Soreness Develop?


Introduction Tasting, along with seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling, belongs to the five senses of the human being. Man is capable of tasting to check food and to stay away from poisonous things, such as plants, which are usually extremely bitter. In addition, the secretion of saliva and gastric juice is affected: it is stimulated … Taste