Individual Macro- and Micronutrient Requirements (Vital Substances)

Additional individual micronutrient requirements (vital substances) may be caused by, among other things: Biographical causes Genetic factors Biochemical individuality – genetically determined different equipment e.g. with scavenger enzyme systems (radical-catching enzymes), which also means different sensitivity to noxae (e.g. alcohol, tobacco consumption, drugs); furthermore e.g. genetically determined absorption, transport and enzyme defects or reduced synthesis … Individual Macro- and Micronutrient Requirements (Vital Substances)

Inadequate Micronutrient Intake: What Can Affect Food Quality?

Today’s food supply is diverse. However, the quality of our food can be influenced by many factors: Industrial food production Artificial fertilizers, pesticides, factory farming. Processed food Heating, freezing, drying, canning, irradiation, blanching, refining, additives, impurities. Vital substance losses of food Due to long transport routes and storage, as well as kitchen processing. Storage, preparation, … Inadequate Micronutrient Intake: What Can Affect Food Quality?

Macro- and Micronutrients (Vital Substances)

Macro- and micronutrients (= vital substances) are building blocks that our body needs for its diverse cell and organ functions. The human organism has needed these “vital substances” since the beginning of human history, that is, for 4.4 million years. Vital substances (macro- and micronutrients) include: Vitamins Minerals Trace elements Vital fatty acids Amino acids … Macro- and Micronutrients (Vital Substances)

Lipedema: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lipedema is a fat distribution disorder in which there is increased fat storage in the buttocks and hips, and in more severe cases, throughout the legs and arms. Mostly women are affected. Lipedema cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be alleviated by conservative therapies. What is lipedema? Lipedema is the ancient Greek word for … Lipedema: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Prevention | Spider veins

Prevention Spider veins alone do not represent a serious disease, mainly cosmetic reasons are in the foreground. However, they can give a first indication of diseases such as chronic venous insufficiency. They are often favoured by weaknesses of the connective tissue, which are mainly predisposition. Thus spider veins often cannot be completely prevented, but something … Prevention | Spider veins

Spider veins

Spider veins are a type of mini spider veins that are located on the surface of the skin and are usually found on the inner sides of the thighs. They are not dangerous in themselves, but can be an indication of a disease of the deep-seated veins. In most cases, however, they are only a … Spider veins

Alternating showers

With alternating showers, the temperature is alternately changed between hot and cold during the showering process. This has many advantages. Alternate showers have an invigorating and vitalizing effect in the morning, stimulate the circulation and improve the blood flow. Reasons for alternating showers If you feel tired and powerless in the morning, you should start … Alternating showers

Instructions | Alternating showers

Instructions Alternating showers at first sounds like overcoming it, but those who alternate between hot and cold showers quickly get used to it and do not want to miss the invigorating feeling. When taking an alternating shower, you should start with hot water.Set a warm temperature (between approx. 39 and 42 degrees) for a few … Instructions | Alternating showers