Slipped disc – Cervical spine exercise 2

“Cervical spine – yawn – starting position” The hands are crossed in the seat behind the head. Now bend your head forward. With the hands a pressure is given forwards (ventral), while pushing the elbows backwards (dorsal). From this position the head is slowly stretched against the resistance of the hands until you can look … Slipped disc – Cervical spine exercise 2

What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex

What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? A reflex always runs through two nerve connections: From the muscle up to the spinal cord and then back to the muscle where the muscle movement (contraction) is triggered. When damage occurs in the reflex arc, the reflex becomes stronger or weaker, depending on the extent of … What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex


Tics, tic syndrome, tic disorder, Tourette’s syndromeTics are simple or complex, sudden, short-lived, involuntary or semi-autonomous movements (motor tic) or sounds (vocal tic). With an internally growing tension they can be suppressed for a short time. Patients perceive the tics as an inner compulsion and often feel discomfort in the corresponding body region, which is … Tics

Slipped disc – lumbar spine exercise 8

“Lumbar spine – extension in prone position” The right knee is bent about 90° in prone position. Stretch from this position in the hip joint so that the right foot goes up towards the ceiling. Perform this exercise 10-15 times. Take a short break (10 seconds) between each of these times. Afterwards, perform the exercise … Slipped disc – lumbar spine exercise 8