Late effects of malpositioning | Exercises for foot malpositions

Late effects of malpositioning Foot malpositions do not always cause immediate problems for those affected. However, if the malposition remains untreated for a long time and worsens, there are late effects. These can be of a relatively harmless nature and can manifest themselves, for example, as pressure pain, pressure sores or strain pain. However, structural … Late effects of malpositioning | Exercises for foot malpositions

Exercises for foot malpositions

The problem with most foot malpositions is based on problems in posture, muscles and the tissue surrounding the joints. In most cases, the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot has a flattened position. Incorrect footwear or incorrect execution of movements can also contribute to a malposition. In the therapy of foot malpositions, therefore, in … Exercises for foot malpositions

Exercises for heel spurs

A common disease of the foot is the so-called heel spur (calcaneus spur). It affects 10 percent of adults. The most frequent occurrence (prevalence) of the disease is found in women between 40 and 60 years of age. Men are affected less frequently. Heel spurs are non-physiological bone attachments in the area of the calcaneus. … Exercises for heel spurs

Physiotherapy for foot malpositions

Foot malpositions, no matter in which form or degree, are a serious problem that needs to be treated. Due to the asymmetry of the leg axis caused by the malposition, consequential damage to other joints, such as knee and hip, but also problems with the spine can occur without treatment. Physiotherapy is a suitable therapeutic … Physiotherapy for foot malpositions

Physiotherapy/exercises: hollow foot | Physiotherapy for foot malpositions

Physiotherapy/exercises: hollow foot A hollow foot is characterized by muscular dysbalance of the foot and lower leg muscles, which causes the longitudinal arch of the foot to be disrupted (lifted). Exercises against a hollow foot are the following: Stand with your heels on a step so that your toes extend beyond it. Now shift your … Physiotherapy/exercises: hollow foot | Physiotherapy for foot malpositions