Elbow fracture

The elbow is colloquially referred to as the region between the upper arm and forearm, where, in addition to important nerve tracts and vessels, the elbow joint is located. An elbow fracture is a fracture of the elbow joint, or the adjacent structures. The term is not clearly defined medically. In practice, however, in most … Elbow fracture

Recovery time from a bruise in the knee | Bruise on the knee

Recovery time from a bruise in the knee Smaller hematomas can be easily observed in their course by the colours they take on. From the moment of its formation until the swelling has completely subsided, it takes up to two weeks. Larger bruises, especially after operations, can last for weeks. A doctor should be consulted … Recovery time from a bruise in the knee | Bruise on the knee

Bruise on the knee

Introduction A bruise in the knee is also known as “haemarthros”. The common word “haematoma” is synonymous with bruises on all parts of the body. A bruise can be thought of as the filling of a tissue with blood as a result of an injury or accident. General information Almost all tissues of the human … Bruise on the knee