What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? | What should I wear to my baby when he sleeps?

What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? If the baby starts to have a fever, there are two main fever phases. The first is the rising fever. This is the period in which the fever reappears and increases from day to day. During this time the baby should not be … What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? | What should I wear to my baby when he sleeps?

Hallux-rigidus- shoes

Hallux rigidus is caused by a degenerative, arthritic change in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. This leads to limited extension, a swollen joint and pain during movement, especially when rolling. The degenerative alteration cannot be cured, the therapy of hallux rigidus is symptomatic. Initially, conservative measures such as special shoes or insoles can … Hallux-rigidus- shoes