Instructions | Breuss Massage

Instructions As already indicated, it is important to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. The patient lies on a massage table with undressed upper part of the body, relaxed, with the head resting in the breathing window of the table. The arms and hands also lie relaxed on the sides of the body. The treating … Instructions | Breuss Massage

Training | Breuss Massage

Training To learn how to use the Breuss massage, various providers usually offer weekend or day seminars. Often, the Dorn Massage and Breuss Massage combined are also offered during training. The training is aimed particularly at doctors, alternative practitioners, physiotherapists and masseurs. However, you do not need an explicit basic training to participate in the … Training | Breuss Massage

Summary | Breuss Massage

Summary Overall, the Breuss massage is a gentle alternative to other conservative forms of therapy. In combination with the Dorn method, it is often used to treat disc problems, vertebral blockages, poor posture and other diseases associated with the spine. The massage is a good method to regenerate and strengthen the back. In addition, there … Summary | Breuss Massage

Breuss Massage

The Breuss Massage is a very gentle massage of the spine, developed by the Austrian Rudolf Breuss. He was of the opinion that the intervertebral discs do not wear out over time, but only rebuild themselves and are able to regenerate. With the Breuss massage, the spine is safely stretched to relieve the back and … Breuss Massage