Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging Runners often have knee pain after jogging. Especially at the beginning of training or after a longer abstinence from sports this is often noticed and not worrying. In this case, untrained muscle and connective tissue leads to a short-term acute overload. However, if the pain persists … Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Further therapeutic measures | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Further therapeutic measures Very good for pain in the hollow of the knee are exercises that are performed in the exercise pool, because the buoyancy of the water relieves the knee joint. At the same time, the water’s resistance strengthens the muscles due to the greater amount of muscle work required. You can find exercises … Further therapeutic measures | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies


Synonym achillodynia Definition An Achillodynia is a pain syndrome in the area of the Achilles tendon with an initially unclear cause, which can occur both at rest and under stress and can affect the normal physiological sequence of movement. Occurrence Achillodynia is a very common disease, especially in sports medicine and here especially in younger … Achillodynia

Therapy /Treatment | Achillodynia

Therapy /Treatment In many cases no special treatment is necessary and a spontaneous healing of an achillodynia occurs. The main procedure in the presence of this degenerative disease is the rapid reduction of the triggering physical stress. The sport that leads to the strain should be quickly reduced or avoided completely. Furthermore, an appropriate shoe … Therapy /Treatment | Achillodynia

History | Achillodynia

History The course of the achillodynia can usually be assigned to certain stages. At the beginning, when the wear and tear of the tendon is not yet very pronounced, pain occurs only after intensive and unaccustomed strain in the form of a prick or pinch. The pain usually begins one day after the overloading activity … History | Achillodynia

Summary | Achillodynia

Summary Achillodynia is a very common disorder that mainly affects younger athletes. The reason is mostly degenerative changes in and around the Achilles tendon with associated moderate to severe pain, especially during movement. A distinction is made between primary and secondary courses: inflammatory changes are more likely to speak against Achillodynia. Stage-dependent symptoms can be … Summary | Achillodynia