Costs of a MRT – examination

Introduction The costs for an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging) are reimbursed for private patients according to the GÖA (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte) and for patients with health insurance according to the EBM (Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab). If there is a medical necessity to perform the MRI examination, the costs are covered by the health insurance company. Special … Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? In individual cases, a missed or not cancelled MRI appointment may result in costs for the patient. While no fees can normally be charged for a missed regular practice visit, an MRI examination, where demand is very high and a tightly planned … Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination