Relaxation techniques

Definition The collective term of relaxation techniques includes various methods that result in a reduction of stress levels and promote inner peace. The type and implementation of the different techniques can vary greatly. The methods range from short breathing exercises in everyday work to longer yoga exercises or meditation. Although these techniques are very different, … Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques for pregnant women | Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques for pregnant women In principle, all the relaxation techniques already mentioned can be performed during pregnancy. Thus, even in the case of stress during pregnancy, techniques such as conscious breathing, meditative procedures or yoga are recommended. However, the practice of yoga during pregnancy should be carried out carefully and certain positions, such as … Relaxation techniques for pregnant women | Relaxation techniques

How or where do I learn a relaxation technique professionally? | Relaxation techniques

How or where do I learn a relaxation technique professionally? The effect of all relaxation techniques, however different they may be, depends largely on correct execution. Therefore, it is advisable to learn especially techniques like yoga or progressive muscle relaxation in a professional setting. Depending on the method, there are different places to start. Yoga, … How or where do I learn a relaxation technique professionally? | Relaxation techniques