Pain when jogging/cycling | Exercises with an existing runner’s knee

Pain when jogging/cycling The runner’s knee is an irritation of the iliotibial ligament due to overloading or incorrect loading. At the beginning of running, there is usually no pain unless the ligament is in an acute inflammatory state.The pain occurs during loading when the ligament rubs against the thigh bone via the bony protrusions. Particularly … Pain when jogging/cycling | Exercises with an existing runner’s knee

How long break | Exercises with an existing runner’s knee

How long break The runner’s knee is an overload. In order to give the tendon a chance to heal, it should not be strained any further, but should be immobilized for some time. Especially in case of acute inflammation, the knee should be relieved. Tendons have a worse blood supply than muscles and therefore need … How long break | Exercises with an existing runner’s knee