Physiotherapy for tendinitis

If you perform certain movements under heavy load, the tendon may be irritated. It and the tendon sheath can become inflamed. This can lead to restricted movement, swelling and pain. Constant, subliminal overloading can also lead to chronic tendovaginitis, such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Physiotherapy for tendinitis In order to relieve the tendon … Physiotherapy for tendinitis

Tendonitis: What to Do?

Tendovaginitis can have various causes – in most cases, persistent monotonous movement triggers the symptoms. A typical symptom is severe pain, which can occur during movement but also at rest. If tendonitis is treated properly, it usually heals on its own after a few days. It is particularly important that the affected joint is spared. … Tendonitis: What to Do?


Definition The word tenotomy comes from the Greek (“tenon” = tendon and “tome” = cut) and means cutting of the tendon. If a cut occurs exactly at the transition between the tendon and the corresponding muscle, it is called a tenomyotomy (“myo” = muscle). In a fractional tenotomy, however, the muscular part is not touched. … Tenotomy

Consequences of a tenotomy | Tenotomy

Consequences of a tenotomy In principle, tenotomy is a low-complication procedure that is performed without significant consequences. Only limited mobility and a reduction in strength are sometimes complained of by patients. Since tenotomy is usually performed without significant consequences, unrestricted follow-up treatment is also possible. The rehabilitation can be carried out well and painlessly. Cosmetic … Consequences of a tenotomy | Tenotomy

Pain after a tenotomy | Tenotomy

Pain after a tenotomy Pain is initially considered to be an indication for tenotomy surgery. Therefore, freedom from pain is one of the most important treatment goals of the procedure. In most cases, this goal is achieved and patients report a few weeks after the operation that the symptoms have improved and in some cases … Pain after a tenotomy | Tenotomy


Synonyms Tendinitis Peritendinitis Paratendinitis Introduction The disease known in medical terminology as tendovaginitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths. In most of the patients affected, it manifests itself by the appearance of strong, stabbing pain, which is intensified by movement and diminishes by immobilization. In principle, tendovaginitis can affect any tendon in the body. … Tendovaginitis

Non-infectious causes | Tendovaginitis

Non-infectious causes Infectious or purulent tendovaginitis is generally less common than non-infectious forms of tenosynovitis. The main causes include long-term mechanical misuse or overloading, which leads to irritation of the tendon tissue. According to this, it is precisely long-lasting monotonous movement sequences and severe postural defects that cause the tendon sheaths to rub particularly hard … Non-infectious causes | Tendovaginitis