Pain in the back of the foot at different times of the day | Pain in the back of the foot

Pain in the back of the foot at different times of the day Pain in the back of the foot, which occurs mainly at rest or at night, can be a neural cause. Such nerve pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as sensation (e.g. tingling) or a changed feeling in the skin. Burning … Pain in the back of the foot at different times of the day | Pain in the back of the foot

At what point does an inflammation of the wrist become chronic? | Inflammation in the wrist

At what point does an inflammation of the wrist become chronic? Acute is a disease that has just begun and lasts for a limited period of time. A chronic disease exists permanently or over a longer period of time. An inflammation of the wrist is usually referred to as chronic inflammation if the symptoms last … At what point does an inflammation of the wrist become chronic? | Inflammation in the wrist

Tendinitis causes and treatment

Tendonitis, tendovaginitis, tendo = tendon, vaginitis = vaginitis, tendosynovitis, tendosynovialitis. Mechanical overload A bacterial infection or In the context of a rheumatic illness develops. () There are both acute and chronic courses of tendosynovitis. The tendon is the continuation of a muscle and anchors it to the bone, making movement possible. In places of high … Tendinitis causes and treatment

Diagnosis tendovaginitis | Tendinitis causes and treatment

Diagnosis tendovaginitis The diagnosis of a tendosynovitis is usually made by the clinical picture based on the typical symptoms. For example, pain in the area of certain muscles, to which the inflamed tendon belongs, is indicated for certain movements. In addition, the history of the illness with an occupational history provides important information on the … Diagnosis tendovaginitis | Tendinitis causes and treatment

How long does a tendosynovitis last? | Tendinitis causes and treatment

How long does a tendosynovitis last? If an acute tendon sheath inflammation is present in any area, it usually takes 1-2 weeks before it subsides. The exact duration of the healing phase depends on the extent to which the affected body part is immobilized or spared. However, if the acute tendosynovitis is not sufficiently treated … How long does a tendosynovitis last? | Tendinitis causes and treatment

Tendovaginitis de Quervain | Tendinitis causes and treatment

Tendovaginitis de Quervain Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain is a special form of tendosynovitis, which is exclusively limited to the tendons of the thumb. The inflammatory process thus affects the tendon sheaths of the thumb attachment points of two muscles (Musculus abductor pollicis longus and Musculus extensor pollicis brevis), so that their tendons are less able … Tendovaginitis de Quervain | Tendinitis causes and treatment

What are Tendovaginitis and Tendinitis?

Tendovaginitis comes from tendon = tendon, vagina = vagina and -itis = inflammation: tendonitis. Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon and tendovaginitis is the inflammation of the tendon sheath, usually triggered by overexertion or friction during repeated monotonous movements. Classics include typing or sports such as tennis or basketball. The resulting inflammation causes thickening … What are Tendovaginitis and Tendinitis?

Therapy of pain in the back of the hand | Pain in the back of the hand

Therapy of pain in the back of the hand The therapy depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, however, it helps to immobilize and protect the affected hand. This can be achieved, for example, with splints or bandages. For pain relief, anti-inflammatory painkillers such as diclofenac and aspirin are used, which can be purchased … Therapy of pain in the back of the hand | Pain in the back of the hand