This is how the operation is performed! | Testicular implants

This is how the operation is performed! Since the insertion of a testicular implant is usually performed under general anesthesia, you should not eat or drink anything for at least six hours before the start of the operation. The anesthesiologist will inform you about more detailed information in advance. The anesthesiologist will also tell you … This is how the operation is performed! | Testicular implants

Testicular implants

Definition – What are testicular implants? Testicular implants are implants made of plastic, which are placed in the scrotum when the testicle is missing. They are available in different sizes depending on the needs and fill the scrotum again. Thus it is not visible from the outside that the apparent testicle is a plastic body. … Testicular implants

Testicular cancer

Synonyms Medical: testicular carcinoma Definition Testicular cancer is the most common malignant tumor disease in young men between 20 and 40 years of age. Compared to other cancers, however, it is rather rare with a share of 2%. In 95% of cases testicular cancer develops in only one of the two testicles and can later … Testicular cancer

Epidemiology | Testicular cancer

Epidemiology Furthermore, undescended testicles, which often occur during childhood, play the second largest role in the development of testicular cancer. It increases the risk of getting a malignant tumor on the same side by a factor of 4 to 8, whereas in 5-10% of men with undescended testicles or an inguinal testis also on the … Epidemiology | Testicular cancer

Diseases of the testicles

Introduction In the following you will find an overview and short description of the most important diseases of the testicles. For further information we refer to our corresponding articles in each section. The testicles are the inner, male sex organ or also the gonads of the man. In the course of embryonic development, they are … Diseases of the testicles

Tumors | Diseases of the testicles

Tumors Malignant testicular tumors occur more frequently in young men and middle-aged men. The tumors can develop from different tissues and differ in frequency and treatment. Those affected usually notice an enlargement or swelling of the scrotum, but typically have no pain.During a presentation to the urologist, the scrotum should then be palpated and examined … Tumors | Diseases of the testicles