
Definition The hematothorax describes an accumulation of blood in the patient’s chest cavity. It represents a special form of pleural effusion. Pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid between the lung pleura and the pleura, the two so-called pleural leaves. Together they form the pleura. This effusion can have various causes and different compositions. A … Hematothorax

Symptoms | Hematothorax

Symptoms The symptoms vary depending on the extent of fluid accumulation. If there is heavy bleeding into the pleural gap, breathing difficulties occur because the lungs are no longer able to expand properly due to the spatial restriction caused by the accumulation of blood. As a consequence of the impaired breathing, an oxygen deficiency occurs. … Symptoms | Hematothorax

Therapy | Hematothorax

Therapy In order to ensure that therapy is effective, the cause of the hematothorax should first be determined. If this involves injuries to vessels or organs, these should be treated first in order to prevent greater blood loss and to keep the accumulation of blood in the thorax as low as possible. The next measure … Therapy | Hematothorax

Tension pneumothorax

What is a tension pneumothorax? A tension pneumothorax is a special form of pneumothorax and is a life-threatening injury to the lung. In contrast to a collapsed lung (pneumothorax), a tension pneumothorax also involves a kind of valve mechanism in which more and more air accumulates in the thorax, which cannot be breathed out. This … Tension pneumothorax

Can a tension pneumothorax be fatal? | Tension pneumothorax

Can a tension pneumothorax be fatal? A tension pneumothorax is an absolutely life-threatening condition and must be treated as early as possible. If no timely treatment can be given, a tension pneumothorax usually ends fatally. The reason is the compression of the mediastinum and the subsequent cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, a tension pneumothorax usually progresses very … Can a tension pneumothorax be fatal? | Tension pneumothorax


Definition Pneumothorax A collapsed lung pneumothorax (pneu = air, thorax = chest) is defined as an intrusion of air into the pleural space, which leads to the collapse of the lung tissue. This can be caused by a broken rib, but also by the bursting of distended lung tissue (emphysema). ClassificationShapes The lung fur (pleura) … Pneumothorax

Causes | Pneumothorax

Causes The cause of a primary pneumothorax is usually a rupture of the pulmonary alveoli (especially in emphysema). Pneumonia (pneumonia) and lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma) can cause, among other things, a secondary pneumothorax. This clinical picture can also be caused by improper pleural puncture (e.g. in the context of cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics) or acupuncture treatments … Causes | Pneumothorax

Therapy | Pneumothorax

Therapy A small pneumothorax can be observed at first and the spontaneous regression can be accelerated, possibly by nasal oxygenation. A symptomatic pneumothorax, i.e. a pneumothorax that causes health problems for the affected person, can be treated by suctioning the air through a tube. This method is called thoracic drainage with suction. If there is … Therapy | Pneumothorax