The Bach Flower Holly

Description of the flower Holly

The leaves of Holly are evergreen and the plant develops bright red berries.

State of Mind

One is jealous, suspicious, has feelings of envy and hatred.

Peculiarity Children

Children in a negative Holly state get angry at the slightest provocation, scream loudly, throw things around, beat around. They are very irritable and aggressive. Now one could assume that it has brought a lot of temperament into the world, but the behaviour is cruel, unfair and aggressive. One must question why this is so, whether it was learned and copied from the parents.

Pronouncement adults

One has the feeling of always being short, of being unloved. One cannot begrudge and be magnanimous. A negative attitude towards life and a lack of the ability to love generates envy (because one does not pay close attention to the life situation of the other person), hatred and malicious joy.

Every human being is looking for love from birth on, if this is denied, the heart hardens and one feels painfully isolated and separated. Negative feelings develop, openly come to light or rather run on unconscious levels. One reacts overly jealous if one has found a person to whom one can emotionally bind oneself.

One is always looking for one’s own advantage, is afraid of being betrayed, feels offended and hurt and often becomes a victim of misunderstandings because one suspects others of being up to something negative from the outset. You pull a long face or show a pout. Holly characters often suffer from high blood pressure, liver disease, gall bladder disease, impotence or frigidity.

Aim of the brook blossom Holly

The Bach Flower Holly is supposed to help alleviate and reduce negative feelings such as envy, hatred, jealousy, damage friends. Instead, you learn to be happy about the success of other people and develop a more loving attitude towards your fellow human beings. You achieve inner harmony and radiate love.