Diagnosis | Ganglion

Diagnosis Often the doctor can diagnose a ganglion by palpation after asking the patient about his symptoms and medical history (anamnesis). If other causes for the swelling are possible, the diagnosis can be confirmed by an ultrasound examination. The ultrasound can also reveal possible arthrosis or injuries as a trigger for the ganglion. If, on … Diagnosis | Ganglion

Improvement of pain through movement | Homeopathy for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Improvement of pain through movement The following homeopathic medicines can be used if patients experience an improvement in pain symptoms when moving. Which remedy works best in this case depends, among other things, on the patient’s type of being. The pain is worse at rest and in warmth, it occurs especially at night in the … Improvement of pain through movement | Homeopathy for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Arthroplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure performed on a joint. The surgical intervention is intended to restore joint function or ensure healthy joint function. What is arthroplasty? Arthroplasty is a surgical intervention on the joint. The surgical intervention is intended to restore joint function or ensure healthy joint function. A joint is a movable connection of … Arthroplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Associated symptoms | Pain in the thumb saddle joint

Associated symptoms Pain in the thumb saddle joint can be accompanied by various other complaints. Osteoarthritis is characterized by an increasing restriction of movement of the joint. In addition to pain, an acute attack of gout causes severe swelling, redness and warming of the thumb saddle joint and occasionally even systemic signs of inflammation such … Associated symptoms | Pain in the thumb saddle joint

Duration Prognosis | Pain in the thumb saddle joint

Duration Prognosis Both the duration and prognosis of thumb saddle joint pain depend on the cause of the pain. Rhizarthrosis cannot be cured because the cartilage that is destroyed by wear and tear cannot be restored. However, there are treatment options to alleviate the symptoms. An acute attack of gout can last for different lengths … Duration Prognosis | Pain in the thumb saddle joint

Associated symptoms | Pain in the thumb end joint

Associated symptoms Depending on the cause of the pain in the thumb end joint, various accompanying complaints can occur. The pain can occur during special movements, at certain times of the day or radiate.Inflammatory changes are accompanied by the typical inflammatory symptoms: Redness, swelling, overheating and functional impairment of the affected joint. Swelling can be … Associated symptoms | Pain in the thumb end joint