Eczema on the face

Definition of eczema on the face In addition to eczema on the body, eczema on the face can also occur. Statistically, other parts of the body are more likely to be affected. In the area of the face, eczema occurs mainly in the cheek region or in the area of the nose. Facial eczema is … Eczema on the face

Nitrite Curing Salt

Structure and properties Nitrite curing salt is a mixture of the following two components: 1. common table salt: Na+Cl– 2. sodium nitrite: Na+NO2–, E 250 Sodium nitrite is the sodium salt of nitrous acid. It is present as a colorless to yellowish crystalline powder. Sodium nitrite is hygroscopic and slightly soluble in water. Caution: the … Nitrite Curing Salt


Veratrum album Brechwurz, Germander, Lousewort, White helleboreThe plant hellebore can grow up to 1 m high. It can be recognized by its short and thick, branched root. The leaves are large, broad, elongated. Small, greenish-white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore. Flowering time: July to … Hellebore

Eczema on the hand

Definition Eczema in general is a reddening of the skin, usually caused by allergic reactions, which usually itches moderately to severely, but can also flake. Eczema is an acute or chronic inflammatory reaction of the skin. Responsible for the development of eczema on the hand are mainly the T-cells of the body. In the area … Eczema on the hand

Eczema in the baby

Introduction Eczema is a collective term for various skin diseases characterized by redness, swelling, blistering and weeping with the formation of crusts and scales on the affected skin area. Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases in babies. Typical locations of eczema in babies are the hairy head, the face, especially cheeks and … Eczema in the baby

Symptoms | Eczema in the baby

Symptoms Although the different forms of eczema in babies (such as toxic and allergic contact dermatitis, atopic eczema or seborrhoeic eczema) are based on different causes and mechanisms of disease development, they all ultimately result in a typical eczema reaction based on a disruption of the skin’s barrier function. This eczema reaction manifests itself in … Symptoms | Eczema in the baby

Diagnosis | Eczema in the baby

Diagnosis Since the combined occurrence of redness, swelling, and weeping or crusted vesicles is characteristic of eczema, eczema in babies is a diagnosis of gaze. However, to determine the cause of the baby’s eczema, a detailed interview with the parents (the so-called medical history) is necessary. The doctor will ask whether the baby may have … Diagnosis | Eczema in the baby

Lily of the valley

Convallaria majalis Augenkraut, Maililie, GlasblümliLily of the valley can be recognized by its strikingly large, oval, dark green, lancet-like leaves. In contrast, inconspicuous flowers with unbranched thin stems, which are arranged in clusters at the upper end and are bell-shaped, attracting attention through their fragrant scent. Flowering time: May to June Occurrence: In the forests … Lily of the valley

Kitchen clamp

Pulsatilla vulgaris Cowbell, Easterflower, Sleeping Flower The pasque flower is a spring flowering plant. From a vertical root grow up to 25 cm high flower stems, silky hairy. In the end, the pasque flower has large, blue and bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Flowering time: March to May. Occurrence: On sunny, dry locations, the pasque … Kitchen clamp