Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Diagnosis In addition to a physical examination, an ultrasound is usually performed if a urachus fistula is suspected. In the best case, the images show the persistent passage between the bladder and the navel. Occasionally, other imaging procedures are also used if the images produced by the ultrasound machine do not allow for a meaningful … Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Pain in labour

What is labor pains? The pain during labor is also called labor pains. Pain during labor feels different depending on the intensity and frequency, as well as the type of contractions. Contractions occur not only immediately before and during birth, but already from the 20th week of pregnancy. These pregnancy contractions usually have only a … Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” Breathing is an important way to relieve and control labor pains at birth. Correct breathing can be practiced before the birth. One should pay attention to deep, even breaths. The consequences are dizziness, nausea and a reduced supply of oxygen. The panting that was often recommended in the past should also be … The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

Therapy of a stroke

Synonyms Therapy Apoplex, ischemic stroke, cerebral circulatory disorder, apoplectic insult On the basis of the cranial CT a bleeding is excluded. The therapy is carried out within a time window of 3 (6 hours at the most) after the onset of symptoms. There is no clouding of consciousness in the patient. There are no contraindications/restrictions … Therapy of a stroke

Summary | Therapy of a stroke

Summary Signs of a stroke should be diagnosed as such as soon as possible and the cause of the stroke treated. A rapid diagnosis and the start of therapeutic measures are particularly critical for the success of the therapy. By restoring the oxygen supply to the affected parts of the brain, the signs and symptoms … Summary | Therapy of a stroke

Hidden pneumonia | How do I recognize pneumonia?

Hidden pneumonia As pneumonia can vary greatly in its course and does not always show clear symptoms, some patients are easily overlooked. This is particularly the case with atypical pneumonia, which shows little or no fever and cough. They are easily confused with colds. In elderly people or children, pneumonia can also go undetected for … Hidden pneumonia | How do I recognize pneumonia?

For adults | How do I recognize pneumonia?

For adults Pneumonia in adults can present very differently and have different causes. We distinguish between pneumonia acquired on an outpatient basis (in the everyday environment) and nosocomially (in hospital). Pneumonia acquired on an outpatient basis is typically characterized by a sudden onset of the disease with a pronounced feeling of illness. It is characterized … For adults | How do I recognize pneumonia?