DNA sequencing | Deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA

DNA sequencing In DNA sequencing, biochemical methods are used to determine the sequence of nucleotides (DNA base molecule with sugar and phosphate) in a DNA molecule. The most widely used method is the Sanger chain termination method. Since DNA is composed of four different bases, four different approaches are made. Each approach contains the DNA … DNA sequencing | Deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA

DNA Replication | Deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA

DNA Replication The goal of DNA replication is the amplification of existing DNA. During cell division, the DNA of the cell is exactly duplicated and then distributed to both daughter cells. The doubling of DNA takes place according to the so-called semi-conservative principle, which means that after the initial unravelling of the DNA, the original … DNA Replication | Deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA


Synonym Microscopic Anatomy Definition – What is histology actually? The word histology is composed of the word “histos”, which means “tissue” in Greek and the Latin word “logos” for “doctrine”. In histology, i.e. “tissue science”, people use technical aids such as a light microscope in everyday life in order to recognize the structure of various … Histology