Stirrup muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus stapedius Definition The stapes muscle is a middle ear muscle. It protects the ear from high sound levels and thus influences the hearing process. It is particularly important to protect the ear from the volume of your own voice. It is innervated by the facial nerve and can therefore fail if this … Stirrup muscle

How does the surgery work? | Timpani Tubes

How does the surgery work? In itself, the insertion of a tympanic tube is not a real operation, but rather an outpatient procedure. It only takes a few minutes and usually does not require any further hospitalization. However, the procedure itself injures the eardrum, so that information about the course of the procedure and the … How does the surgery work? | Timpani Tubes

What to do if the tympani tube is blocked? | Timpani Tubes

What to do if the tympani tube is blocked? If the tympani tube is blocked, there are two alternatives to solve the problem In some cases, the blockage can be removed by the ENT specialist without removing the tympanic tube. In the majority of cases, the tube opening is blocked by light encrustations caused by … What to do if the tympani tube is blocked? | Timpani Tubes

Is it allowed to swim with a timpani tube? | Timpani Tubes

Is it allowed to swim with a timpani tube? Swimming with a timpani tube is not recommended. Normally the water is held up by the eardrum.In a tympanic tube, it can pass through the eardrum and enter the middle ear just as secretions from the middle ear enter the outer ear canal. The sterile space … Is it allowed to swim with a timpani tube? | Timpani Tubes

Is it possible to do an MRT with a tympanic tube? | Timpani Tubes

Is it possible to do an MRT with a tympanic tube? It must be decided in each individual case whether an MRI can be performed without any problems with a lying tympanic tube. The implant manufacturer should be consulted for precise information. In general, however, it depends mainly on the material of the timpani tube … Is it possible to do an MRT with a tympanic tube? | Timpani Tubes

How much does it cost to lay a timpani tube? | Timpani Tubes

How much does it cost to lay a timpani tube? The costs for the insertion of a tympani tube are covered by the statutory health insurance. However, depending on the health insurance company, additional costs for fitted earplugs may be incurred after the procedure, which may be needed for showering or swimming. In this case, … How much does it cost to lay a timpani tube? | Timpani Tubes