
Synonyms Medical: Vesica urinaria bladder, urinary cystitis, cystitis, cystitis The bladder is located in the pelvis. At the upper end, also called the apex vesicae, and at the back it is located in the immediate vicinity of the abdominal cavity with the intestines, from which it is separated only by the thin peritoneum. In women, … Bladder

Cystitis | Bladder

Cystitis Urinary bladder inflammation, also called cystitis, is a problem that women in particular know. Symptoms are more frequent urge to urinate and pain or burning sensation when urinating. These occur because the bladder wall is inflamed and therefore reacts particularly sensitively to even small filling quantities. The inflammation is classically triggered by the body’s … Cystitis | Bladder

Urethroscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

During a urethroscopy, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the urethra. This allows him to view and examine the urethra. What is a urethroscopy? During a urethroscopy, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the urethra. This allows him to view and examine the urethra. During urethroscopy, the attending physician, usually the urologist, has the opportunity … Urethroscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Prostate inflammation

Prostate inflammation is one of the most common urogenital diseases in the male population: about 10% of men suffer from prostatitis once in their life. It occurs preferentially between the ages of 20 and 50, but can ultimately affect older men. In general, the prostate is a relatively inflammation-prone organ, due to the strong blood … Prostate inflammation

Symptoms | Prostate inflammation

Symptoms The symptoms of acute inflammation of the prostate are primarily the occurrence of high fever (with possiblechills), pain during bowel movement and burning sensation when urinating (alguria, dysuria), a frequent urge to urinate (pollakisuria), although only small amounts of urine can be passed. It is possible that a complete urinary retention occurs. In addition, … Symptoms | Prostate inflammation

Prognosis | Prostate inflammation

Prognosis The prognosis of prostatitis depends largely on the course and the start of therapy. An acute inflammation of the prostate, which is quickly treated with antibiotics, usually heals without consequences and therefore has a fairly good prognosis. Approximately 60% of the patients show no more symptoms after 6 months, in about 20% the acute … Prognosis | Prostate inflammation

Renal Endoscopy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Renoscopy is primarily used to remove kidney stones from the ureter and/or kidney. It can be performed by two methods: transurethral and percutaneous renal endoscopy. Both procedures are reliable, but risks must be expected with any endoscopy. What is renal endoscopy? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the kidney for kidney stones. Click … Renal Endoscopy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Urethral stricture

Synonyms Urethral narrowing, urethral strictureUrethral stricture is a pathological narrowing of the urethra. A basic distinction is made between a congenital and an acquired narrowing. Due to anatomical conditions, men are affected by urethral stricture far more frequently than women Congenital causes Malformations of the external genitals are often the reason for a congenital urethral … Urethral stricture

Diagnostics | Urethral stricture

Diagnostics The diagnosis of a urethral stricture includes the measurement of the urinary stream.This is also called uroflowmetry. The patient’s urine stream is measured on a special toilet. A curve is automatically generated. The bladder is then displayed using an ultrasound device and the doctor can see whether there is any residual urine in the … Diagnostics | Urethral stricture

A urethral stricture in women | Urethral stricture

A urethral stricture in women Women suffer much less frequently from urethral stricture because the urethra is anatomically much shorter than in men. For this reason alone, real strictures do not occur frequently in women. Nevertheless, both congenital and acquired strictures can occur.In women, the malformation hypospadias manifests itself as a displacement of the urethra … A urethral stricture in women | Urethral stricture